Author: finewinemaster

  • UV Light Label

    Everything That You Need to Know About Fake Wine and Wine Fraud

    Fake news, fake products, fake art, fake money…

    It seems that we live in an age in which everything is plagiarized and counterfeited. Therefore, when you hear about fake wine, it shouldn’t be much surprising to you.

    We know it’s not a small thing. It’s already a massive issue that has the potential to disrupt the wine industry. Continue reading

  • Man with Hangover

    The Subtle Art of Avoiding a Hangover – Backed By Real Science

    For most of us, a good night out includes two major ingredients: the company of people we like to hang out with and having drinks. And by drinks, we don't mean soft drinks like Coke or Pepsi, but something with some alcohol in it.

    From time to time, we tend to forget how much enough is enough. In those cases, there are two scenarios; one before we leave the bar and another, bit more challenging when we wake up in the morning. Continue reading

  • Rudy Kurniawan

    The Curious Case of Rudy Kurniawan – Greatest Wine Fraudster Ever

    Rudy Kurniawan is a name that is known well across the wine community. Once it was a name that was associated with an overwhelming love for fine wines, later it was known as wine fraud.

    His criminal career ended with his arrest on March 8th, 2012. A year later, he was found guilty on several charges of wine fraud and was sentenced to ten years of imprisonment. Furthermore, he was ordered to pay $20 million for his part in selling fake wines.

    This is his story and the events that led to his downfall and capture. Continue reading

  • Organic winemaking

    What is organic wine?

    To begin, we need to go back to 1981 when the term “organic farming” was first introduced to the world. The legal definition of organic farming says it is “farming which uses no synthetic chemical products”. This means the farmers can’t use many types of fungicides, fertilizers, and pesticides that can have a negative influence on the environment.

    But in winemaking, that's only half the story as organic winemaking is a process that takes place in both the vineyard and the winery... Continue reading

  • German vineyards

    History of Wine in Germany

    Winemaking in Germany has a long tradition dating back some 2,000 years. It is the Romans, who at that time ruled over Germany that contributed most to the development of the winemaking. Romans that learned viticulture from the Etruscans and the Greeks spread it over Germanic territories.

    After the Romans, the church's monasteries had the most impact on winemaking, and that cultivated forward viticultural practices. Throughout the middle ages, the church monasteries planted some of Germain’s finest vineyard sites. Continue reading

  • Wine blending

    Wine Blending – Why are Some Wines Blended?

    Blending wine can be a very rewarding experience. But at the same time, it is not without its challenges. If you are new in the exciting world of wines, you might want to learn more about wine blending before making any attempts.

    Let’s dive into the world of wine blending, why winemakers do it, how they do it, what are its benefits, and why some wines are blended while others aren’t. Continue reading

  • What is fortified wine?

    What is Fortified Wine?

    Fortified wine is developed by adding a distilled spirit. In most cases, it’s brandy. Why distilled spirits are added to the wine, what are its main features, what are the main types of fortified wines, are some of the most common questions about fortified wines. Here we will elaborate on all those answers and will try to reveal the true essence of the fortified wine. Continue reading

  • Wild fermentation

    What is Wild Fermentation in Wine?

    Wild fermentation is not some new buzzword destined to go away after a while. Wild fermentation has been around since people realized that grape could be turned into a fantastic beverage.

    For some time, wild fermentation left forgotten and rarely mentioned in some conversations between true wine aficionados.

    But nowadays, it’s turning into a trend and gaining real momentum. Here we will explain what wild fermentation is all about. Continue reading

  • Aging wine and flavor

    What Happens To Wine As It Ages?

    Time changes everything, including wines. Over time, wine can change its aroma, color, and flavor. Whether the changes will be good for the wine or not is another matter. Here’s an overview of what happens to wine as it ages.

    When wine is young, it has all of its basic flavors, like apricot in Viognier, plum in Merlot, or grassiness in Sauvignon Blanc. Furthermore, it is possible to find secondary notes related to the winemaking process, such as the vanilla flavor of oak. Continue reading

  • Sweetness in wine

    What is Sweetness in Wine?

    Sweetness in wine is one of those wine topics that is surrounded by a lot of misconceptions. Most people that love wine, but are not much educated on wines, think of sweetness as something that is solely dependent on the grape variety.

    Well, they are wrong! If you want to learn a few more practical things about sweetness in the wine, then keep on reading. Continue reading