Antioxidants in Wine
Drinking wine is good for your health, and that’s a mantra that has been going on forever. To be more precise moderate wine drinking is what’s good for your health, anything beyond that, and the health effect is diminished.
Thanks to social media, most people also know that antioxidants in wine are the main reason why wine is good for our health, and they are the ones that make a positive difference. But at the same time, their knowledge of the subject stops there.
That’s why we have decided to bring to light some basic and essential facts about antioxidants in wine. That way, when you take your next sip of wine, you will know how and why antioxidants protect your health.
Red Vs. White Wine
In terms of antioxidants, red wine is much richer. The reason for that is because red wine is made of skin grapes that have their skin on during the fermentation process. On the other hand, white wines are made from white grapes whose skin has been previously removed.
The thing is, the grape skin contains most of the antioxidants that are very beneficial to human health. In terms of nutrition, there aren’t significant differences between red and white wine. On average, white wine contains a few more calories.

But that’s not a significant, considerable percentage of calories that can make a huge difference. At least not when consumed in low quantities, which is essential if one wants to harvest all the health benefits of drinking wine. The key thing here is drinking wine in moderation.
Antioxidants in Red Wine and Their Benefits
There are actual medical studies run by reputable research centers that prove the existence of antioxidants in red wine and how they benefit our health. Here we will present the ones that have been researched most, and that can provide the top benefits.
Red wine is rich in this antioxidant that can protect a series of health conditions. Resveratrol has been subjected to lab studies that confirm its potential to battle with various types of cancer by preventing cancer cell growth.
Furthermore, it has been proved that it has great potential in dealing with cardiovascular diseases by decreasing bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol. On top of it, it can prevent blood-vessel damage, which is an essential contribution in dealing with cardiovascular diseases.
Some other researchers have come across proof that resveratrol can be very beneficial in dealing with neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s, type II diabetes, lung diseases, and various mental disorders.

If you have heard of resveratrol, then you probably know of quercetin as well. This antioxidant is mainly known for its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, which can encourage healing in arteries and provide lung disease relief. Besides, quercetin has been studied as a chemotherapeutic agent for some cancer types.
These are pigments responsible for creating blue, purple, or red colors in foods, plants, and beverages – red wine included. As a result of the many chemical processes, Anthocyanins can take various forms. Certain studies have revealed that they can eliminate cancer cells and that they can help with erectile dysfunction and weight maintenance.
They are a subtype of condensed tannins that are present in a high percentage in red wines. They are highly regarded for their ability to control the creation of endothelin 1. Endothelin 1 is a peptide that can lead to a range of heart diseases when created in high amounts.
Ellagic Acids
This polyphenol hasn’t been researched as others, but its potential is massive. In plants, it regulates plant growth, and at the same time, it protects the plant from infections. A few years ago, a couple of studies proved that ellagic acid could control blood glucose levels and can burn fat of fatty liver tissues in mice. Scientists and researchers claim that it has the same effect on humans as well.
These polyphenols are found in wine (red and white wine), tea, fresh fruits, beer, and cacao. They can be very beneficial to human health when in low doses. Earlier studies have suggested that catechins can delay tumor development, can help with Alzheimer’s treatment, and are beneficial as part of anti-cancer therapy.
In Conclusion
So yes, drinking wine can bring certain health benefits through the many antioxidants found in it. But moderation is key if one wants to extract all the good stuff from the wine.
What a single glass of wine can bring to the table can be diminished by three or four glasses of wine. Not only health benefits can be diminished, but it can have an opposite negative health effect. To put it simply, a glass of red wine is all you need. Therefore, enjoy your wine in moderation, and you will be doing your health major favor.